Branding Basics - Starting a brand

Before creating a brand, must determine:
Brand Vision
Brand Personality / Identity
Brand Positioning

Brand Vision
Companies must develop strong visions for their brands that define emotionally what they want to stand for in the minds of consumers.One goal in brand recognition is the identification of a brand without the name of the company present. Nike appears to stand for “winning” and wants people to get the best out of themselves whether they are involved in sports.

Brand Personality / Identity
The “Heart” of the brand. If your brand is not unique,  special enough, then it is not good enough.
When we speak of cars, our mind pops out BMW, Mercedes or Ferrari. Each and every brand has its own unique "smell", the one thing that different itself from competitors.

Brand Positioning

“Why I have to buy your brand?” , “Why your brand is better?” , “Reasonable pricing?”

AirAsia may appear to be fighting on price but it has a value-for-money strategy based on cost leadership. Its brand positioning of “Now Everyone Can Fly” is compelling to millions of people, generating emotional ties. Flying was once a luxury choice of transport, its not any more!   Therefore its an very special positioning in the market, at least AirAsia is the one who came out with it first.

Positioning is how you want your brand to be perceive inside consumers mind. Full stop.

Branding Structure

As above structure, branding is not just a simple logo or name of company, branding consists of business strategies, company's goal, company image, reputation, awareness, which all leads to ultimate goal of branding - brand royalty !

Why is brand royalty important? In business term, brand royalty affects sales by retaining customers, allowing more profits with less expenses (advertising,campaign, marketing efforts).

Branding Defination

Brand \Brand\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Branded} 

1. To burn a distinctive mark into or upon with a hot iron, to indicate quality, ownership, etc., or to mark as infamous (as a convict). 

2. To put an actual distinctive mark upon in any... other way, to show quality of contents, name of manufacture, etc.


brand 商標,烙印,汙名(v.)打上烙印,銘記;玷污 
